Initial project team

Initiated by School of Business and Engineering Vaud, member of University Of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, this labeling library has been supported by RCSO-TIC and GO-ACT competences networks in the frame of the PAL project.

Project lead

Olivier Ertz (1), Francis Grin (2), Daniel Rappo (1), Eric Taillard (3)

  1. IICT, Institute for Information and Communication Technologies
  2. G2C Institute
  3. MIS, eMbedded Information Systems Institute

Development and collaborators

Nicolas Ferreira, Jérome Freyre, Maxence Laurent, Sébastien Roh, Abson Sae-Tang

Information, question, suggestion, specific need ?

Please use the contact form to request any information, question, and feel free to express your needs if you want to take benefit of label placement expertise of the team.